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Once a Minecraft server, now the building of a world where engineering, science, education are all an exploratory videogame.
Infrastructure for the 21st century
Rays: A Universal Language
A Reprogrammable Visual Interface
Communication between Languages
(Universal) Version Control
(Universal) Compression Infrastructure
(Universal) Networking Infrastructure
Ongoing Logistics
Open Call for Funding
OrbitMines: A Game Project
Research towards Designs
Physics (& Hardware)
Operating System
Could be printed on paper
OrbitMines as a Game Project
2024-02-22. Fadi Shawki
On Orbits, Equivalence and Inconsistencies
2023-12-31. Fadi Shawki
On the Intelligibility of (dynamic) Systems and Conceptual Uncertainty
2022-12-31. Fadi Shawki
Fadi Shawki