2025. Fadi Shawki

A self-profile by some 24-solar-orbiting explorer.

1 February 2025

Ongoing Projects

2024-02-22. Fadi Shawki
A comprehensive guide on how to be frustrated with pixels. An open call for funding, collaboration or anyone curious to learn more.



2024-02-22. Fadi Shawki
A comprehensive guide on how to be frustrated with pixels. An open call for funding, collaboration or anyone curious to learn more.
2023-12-31. Fadi Shawki
A preliminary exploration through the world of possible inconsistencies. Originally intended as a more technical continuation of earlier thoughts on intelligibility.
2022-12-31. Fadi Shawki
A collection of my thoughts on intelligibility. An attempt to edge towards a basic theory for understanding dynamic systems by computationally bounded observers. While the aim is to have practical implications for the design of sophisticated observers, these ideas are quite far-reaching and do tend to border on philosophy (an inevitability, perhaps).
I started distilling a years' worth of thoughts/explorations on 2023-12-11. Already - on the first day -, distributing them within the buckets of two titles: "On the intelligibility of (dynamic) systems and associated uncertainty" and "On Functional Equivalence and Compression". Though I initially didn't intend to publish these thoughts quickly, that changed on 2022-12-22. While exploring Melanie Mitchell's Mastodon account, I found her post on the Lab42 essay competition, which prompted me to accelerate my timeline.
(Note written: 2023-11-27)
It's probably worth noting that I currently take issue with a lot of phrasings I use here. I've noticed that many of the ideas I'm thinking about rarely hold the same viewpoint for over a few months. But as an exercise it was quite useful to distill a year of thoughts into a few pages. It has helped quite tremendously in me working through some confusions.
(Note written: 2023-08-03)

Formal History


November, 2021 - May, 2022.
November, 2020 - March 2021.
November, 2018 - August, 2019.
October, 2013 - May, 2019.

Formal Education

(Unfinished) Computer Science (BSc)
2020: I stop attending Leiden University. If you could call what I did there as attending in the first place. Perhaps more of an (immature) severe disinterest.
VWO / Science & Engineering
2012 - 2019.

Literary Exposure


(2025). Jacob Barandes, Manolis Kellis, Curt Jaimungal
(2025). Michael Levin, Karl Friston, Curt Jaimungal
(2007). Walter Isaacson
(2025). Geoffrey Hinton, Curt Jaimungal
(2024). Sabine Hossenfelder, Curt Jaimungal
(2024). Leonard Susskind, Curt Jaimungal
(2025). Yang-Hui He, Curt Jaimungal


(2022). John Baez, Simon Cho, Daniel Cicala, Nina Otter, Valeria de Paiva
(2024). Jacob Barandes, Curt Jaimungal
(2024). Iain McGilchrist, Curt Jaimungal
(2024). Avshalom Elitzur, Curt Jaimungal
(2006). Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson
(2023). François Fleuret
(2014). Eddy Luten
(2024). Jules Hedges
(2024). Jonathan Oppenheim, Curt Jaimungal
(2024). Venki Ramakrishnan, Sean Carroll
(2023). Brandon Sandoval
(1958). Garrett Birkhoff
2024. Jean-Paul Faguet, Sean Carroll
(2023). Walter Isaacson
2024. Fadi Shawki, Álvaro Moreno Vallori, Alejandro Sospedra Orellano, Elena Isasi Theus, Anmol Agrawal, Carlos Zapata Carratalá
(2024). Lee Smolin, Curt Jaimungal
(2024). Nikolay Murzin, Carlos Zapata-Carratalá, James Wiles, Utkarsh Bajaj
(2024). Nikolay Murzin, Carlos Zapata-Carratalá, James Wiles, Utkarsh Bajaj
(2024). Nikolay Murzin, Carlos Zapata-Carratalá, James Wiles
(2024). Chamath Palihapitiya, Jason Calacanis, David Friedberg, David O. Sacks
(2024). Chamath Palihapitiya, Jason Calacanis, David Friedberg, David O. Sacks
(2024). Chamath Palihapitiya, Jason Calacanis, David Friedberg, David O. Sacks
(2024). Chamath Palihapitiya, Jason Calacanis, David Friedberg, David O. Sacks
(1974). Richard P. Feynman
(2024). Patrick Collison, John Collison
(2024). Stephen Wolfram, Richard Assar, Nik Murzin
(2024). Jonathan Gorard, Curt Jaimungal
(2024). Chiara Marletto, Curt Jaimungal
(2024). Chamath Palihapitiya, Jason Calacanis, David Friedberg, David O. Sacks
(2024). Chamath Palihapitiya, Jason Calacanis, David Friedberg, David O. Sacks
(2024). Chamath Palihapitiya, Jason Calacanis, David Friedberg, David O. Sacks
(2024). Chamath Palihapitiya, Jason Calacanis, David Friedberg, David O. Sacks
(2019). Mark Zuckerberg, Patrick Collison, Tyler Cowen
(2024). Tima Kinsart (Hirrolot)
(2018). Jacob L. S. Bellmund, Peter Gärdenfors, Edvard I. Moser, Christian F. Doeller
(1970). Ralph Freedman
(2021). Carlos Zapata-Carratalá
(2023). Stephen Wolfram, Jonathan Gorard
(2011). Walter Isaacson
(Veritasium). @Veritasium
(2024). Chamath Palihapitiya, Jason Calacanis, David Friedberg, David O. Sacks
(2024). Chamath Palihapitiya, Jason Calacanis, David Friedberg, David O. Sacks
2021. Seph Gentle
2023. Jonathan Gorard, Mark Jeffery
2020. Martin Kleppmann
2023. Nicklas Botö


2022. Filippo Bonchi, Fabio Gadducci, Aleks Kissinger, Pawel Sobocinski, Fabio Zanasi
2023. Stephen Wolfram
2023. Joachim Breitner, Philippa Gardner, Jaehyun Lee, Sam Lindley, Matija Pretnar, Xiaojia Rao, Andreas Rossberg, Sukyoung Ryu, Wonho Shin, Conrad Watt, Dongjun Youn
2023. Alan Becker + Team
2023. Kaloyan Kolev
2001-2014. Eric S. Raymond, Rick Moen
2023. Filippo Bonchi, Fabio Gadducci, Aleks Kissinger, Pawel Sobocinski, Fabio Zanasi
2023. Tavis Ormandy
2023. Jonathan Gorard, Carlos Zapata-Carratalá, Nikolay Murzin, Utkarsh Bajaj
2023. Edinah Koffi Gnang, Richard Kerner, Luke Oeding, Joshua Grochow, Harm Derksen, Tali Beynon, Michel Rausch, Carlos Zapata-Carratalá
2020. Stephen Wolfram, Fabrizio Remano Genovese, Matteo Capucci, Jonathan Gorard, Tali Beynon
2023. David Spivak
2023. Slavoj Žižek, Sean Carroll, Robinson Erhardt
2023. Carlo Angiuli
2023. Ormandy, Tavis
2023. Abhishek Sharma, Dániel Czégel, Michael Lachmann, Christopher P. Kempes, Sara I. Walker and Leroy Cronin
2023. Stephen Wolfram, Karl Friston, Keith Duggar
2023. Tavis Ormandy, Fabian Faessler (LiveOverflow)
2017. Christopher Domas
2017. Christopher Domas
2023. Grant Sanderson, Dwarkesh Patel
2023. Paulson, Lawrence C.
2023. Paulson, Lawrence C.
2016. Milewski, Bartosz
2017. Milewski, Bartosz
2018. Milewski, Bartosz
2023. Coecke, Bob and Gogioso, Stefano
2023. Beaufort, François and Wallez, Corentin
2021. Gorard, Jonathan, Manojna Namuduri, and Xerxes D. Arsiwalla
2020. Cranmer, Miles, et al
2015. Kissinger, Aleks, and Vladimir Zamdzhiev
1985. Herbert, Frank
1982. Asimov, Isaac
1986. Asimov, Isaac
1988. Asimov, Isaac
1993. Asimov, Isaac
1950. Asimov, Isaac
1964. Asimov, Isaac
1982. Asimov, Isaac
1954. Asimov, Isaac
1957. Asimov, Isaac
1983. Asimov, Isaac
1985. Asimov, Isaac
1976. Dawkins, Richard
1997. Lafont, Yves.
2022. de Witt, Christian Schroeder, et al.
2022. Jiang, Minqi, Tim Rocktäschel, and Edward Grefenstette
2022. Geng, Jiaqi, Dong Huang, and Fernando De la Torre
2018. Falliere, Nicolas


1981. Herbert, Frank
1984. Herbert, Frank
1951. Asimov, Isaac
1952. Asimov, Isaac
1953. Asimov, Isaac
6th cent. B.C.. Cleary, Thomas
1979. Hofstadter, Douglas R
2021. Wolfram, Stephen
1994. Schilit, Bill, Norman Adams, and Roy Want
1993. Davis, Randall, Howard Shrobe, and Peter Szolovits
2017. Allamanis, Miltiadis, Marc Brockschmidt, and Mahmoud Khademi
2021. Franz, Arthur, Oleksandr Antonenko, and Roman Soletskyi
2019. Chollet, François
2022. Millhouse, Tyler, Melanie Moses, and Melanie Mitchell
2023. Mitchell, Melanie, and David C. Krakauer
1979. Winograd, Terry
2010. Mahoney, Matt
2021. de la Rocha, Alfonso, Yiannis Psaras, and David Dias
2021. Hole, Kjell Jørgen, and Subutai Ahmad
2017. Vaswani, Ashish, et al.
2013. Walker, Sara Imari, and Paul CW Davies
2019. Song, Dokyung, et al.
1991. Fagin, Ronald, and Joseph Y. Halpern


1965. Herbert, Frank
1969. Herbert, Frank
1976. Herbert, Frank
1949. Orwell, George